Wednesday, 30 May 2007

1st signs of Winter

Jeez, a bit has happened since last post, N.Z Holiday and Tendonitis of the left knee. This last one has got me in a ‘go-slow’ mode on the bike at the moment, but it’s at the final 5% that takes the most time to heal I reckon.

Got a ride up to Kinglake for the 1st time in yonks with GPLama. VERY WINDY! There was a two day bike race going through, so we went up for a look. We both are out with injury, so 'spectate' we did.

James Broadway leading the bunch over the climb up to Kinglake
1st real cold (8degsC) commute this morn in wet shoes from yesterday. I think I’ve really got my ‘long commute’ dialled in now. It’s a flat easy hour on the bike to keep the legs turning over and flush out all the junk that's generated either over the weekend or my Wednesday night hard session. Not that there's been much of either lately! Soon, soon.

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Old man, new tricks

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia